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Nagashree R Nadig
Aug 27, 20214 min read
IR decoder with Arduino
In this article, you will learn to design an IR decoder using Arduino.

Kiranmai Chigurupati
May 28, 20213 min read
Interfacing Tilt Ball Switch using Arduino
In this project, we will learn how to use a tilt ball switch which powers the circuit based on its orientation.

Kiranmai Chigurupati
May 28, 20213 min read
Fading Brightness of a LED using Arduino
In this project we will see how to change the brightness of LED using the Arduino UNO by changing the duty cycle.

Kiranmai Chigurupati
May 8, 20213 min read
2-Way Traffic Light System using Arduino
In this sytem, the LED lights are arranged to glow in a systematic order to controll 2-way traffic.

Pooja Velavan
Jan 15, 20214 min read
Interfacing the Arduino with an 8 multiply 8 LED Matrix
This Article explains how to interface 8*8 LED Matrix with the Arduino board, along with the circuit, code explanation and working.