IR Transmission
In a world as connected as ours, the ways to connect devices in inexhaustible. Just look around you, what do you see? Maybe a WLAN WiFi...
IR Transmission
SMS alert using IOT - Esp8266
Interfacing analog joystick with Arduino
Interfacing 4-Digit 7-Segment Display with Arduino
Interfacing MPU 6050 Sensor with Arduino UNO
Voice Automated Car
interfacing ir sensor with arduino uno
IR decoder with Arduino
Interfacing Tilt Ball Switch using Arduino
Controlling Servo motor with Joystick
Current Sensor with Arduino
Smart Door Bell - Prototype
Interfacing Tilt Sensor with Arduino UNO
Home automation using TV Remote
How to interface a DC motor with Arduino UNO using TinkerCAD?
Controlling stepper motor with Joystick Sensor and Arduino
Building a Digital Voltmeter using Arduino UNO.
Controlling LEDs using IR Remote and Arduino UNO on TinkerCAD