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Dec 13, 202011 min read
Smart Street Light Project using Arduino UNO, LDR and LED
This article provides the basic steps to build a Smart street light system on a Simulation Software, describing the components and the code.
Dec 10, 20209 min read
Light Intensity Measurement using LDR sensor and Arduino on TinkerCAD
The article gives an overview of Light Intensity measurement using LDR. Here's how simulation of circuits happen, using TinkerCad software.
Ankita Sharma
Jul 18, 20204 min read
Smart Lighting System - Arduino - Controlling an LED & Buzzer using LDR Sensor
This article will help you to design and build a Smart Lighting System using LDR sensor, Arduino, LED, and Buzzer.
Jul 14, 20208 min read
Interfacing LDR Sensor with Arduino
While watching the cricket match you must have heard, Bad light stopped the play. Do you know how they are determining it? Also, while...
LearnElectronics India
Jul 8, 20205 min read
Smart Lighting System - IoT Prototype using Blynk App
This article gives a explanation of the concept of controlling LEDs using Blynk App starting from circuit assembling till the end output.
Jul 4, 20205 min read
Controlling LED using Blynk App - IoT Project
Imagine yourself as an office employee. Further in the morning, you went to your workplace without switching off the lamp in your home....
Kiranmai Chigurupati
Jun 16, 20205 min read
Smart Lighting System - Using LED's, LDR and Raspberry Pi
This blog gives a detailed explanation regarding the functioning of smart lightning using Raspberry Pi and provides the code with explanatio