In this project we will learn how to use an Arduino to create an RFID tagging system using RC522 module. We will also learn to integrate various other parts such as I2C, LCD, LEDs, Servo motor, Buzzer etc., in order to create an automatic door lock system. We use an SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) connection. It is a synchronous serial data protocol used by microcontroller for communicating with peripheral devices.
Hardware requirements:

The Arduino is a programmable #microcontroller, it's an open-source electronics proto-type platform. It interacts with the user by receiving input with the aid of sensors and provides the output employing LED, buzzer, etc.,
In order to know more about the Arduino UNO, refer to this article.

The RC522 is a 13.56MHz RFID module. The module supports I2C, SPI and UART. The module operates at 3.3V typically and hence it is commonly used in 3.3V designs. It is used in applications involving identification of a person/object with a unique ID. It can both read and write data into the memory elements.

A breadboard is a flat piece of wood that is provided with holes that allow users to build a circuit including the components and connections without the need for soldering due to which it is reusable and finds its best usage for the students who are new to build circuits. The holes in any horizontal line will be in series whereas the vertical holes remain at an equipotential state. There are different sizes of breadboards available in the market which include "full size", "half size" and, "mini size" breadboards.

The Buzzer is an audio signaling device, in this case when it detects an object, the buzzer gives a beep sound.

Connecting wires are used to establish connections between different components in the circuit.