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Writer's pictureSanskruti Ashtikar

How to Create an Automatic Plant Watering System in TinkerCAD

Updated: Sep 15, 2024

Gardening and plant care can be time-consuming, especially when it comes to watering plants regularly. An automatic watering system can take care of this task, ensuring your plants get the right amount of water even when you're not around. In this project, we’ll create a simple automatic watering system using TinkerCAD, which can sense soil moisture levels and activate a water pump when needed. This project is perfect for learning about sensors, microcontrollers, and basic automation in electronics.

Components Required for Plant Watering System Project

To create this project in TinkerCAD, you’ll need the following components:

  • Breadboard (Small)

  • Arduino Uno R3

  • Soil Moisture Sensor

  • DC Water Pump (simulated by a DC motor)

  • NPN Transistor (e.g., 2N2222)

  • Diode (1N4007)

  • 10k-ohm resistor

  • 220-ohm resistor

  • Jumper wires

Building the Plant Watering System Project

Step 1: Setting Up the Breadboard and Arduino

  1. Open TinkerCAD: Log in to your TinkerCAD account and navigate to the "Circuits" section.

  2. Create a New Circuit: Click "Create new Circuit" to open the workspace where you’ll build the automatic watering system.

  3. Place the Breadboard and Arduino: Drag a small breadboard and an Arduino Uno R3 onto the workspace. Arrange them next to each other for easy wiring.

Step 2: Connecting the Soil Moisture Sensor

  1. Place the Soil Moisture Sensor: Drag a soil moisture sensor onto the workspace. The sensor typically has three pins: VCC, GND, and Analog output (A0).

  2. Connect Power and Ground: Connect the VCC pin of the sensor to the 5V rail on the breadboard and the GND pin to the ground (GND) rail.

  3. Connect the Analog Output: Connect the analog output pin (A0) of the sensor to the analog input pin A0 on the Arduino. This connection allows the Arduino to read the moisture level in the soil.

Step 3: Connecting the Water Pump (DC Motor)

  1. Place the Transistor: Drag an NPN transistor onto the breadboard. The transistor will act as a switch to control the water pump (simulated by a DC motor).

  2. Connect the Motor: Place a DC motor on the breadboard to represent the water pump. Connect one terminal of the motor to the 5V rail on the breadboard.

  3. Connect the Transistor: Connect the other terminal of the motor to the collector pin of the transistor. Connect the emitter pin of the transistor to the ground (GND) rail on the breadboard.

  4. Add the Diode: Place a diode across the motor terminals with the cathode (marked end) connected to the 5V rail. This diode protects the circuit from back EMF generated by the motor.

  5. Connect the Base: Use a 10k-ohm resistor to connect the base pin of the transistor to digital pin 9 on the Arduino.

Step 4: Writing the Code

  • Open the Code Editor: Click on the "Code" button at the top right of the TinkerCAD interface to open the code editor.

  • Choose Text-Based Coding: Switch to "Text" mode to write code in Arduino's C/C++ language.

  • Write the Code:

int sensorPin = A0; // Soil moisture sensor connected to A0

int motorPin = 9;   // Motor connected to pin 9

int threshold = 300; // Moisture level threshold for watering

void setup() {

  pinMode(motorPin, OUTPUT); // Set motor pin as output

  Serial.begin(9600); // Start serial communication for debugging


void loop() {

  int sensorValue = analogRead(sensorPin); // Read moisture sensor value


  // Print the sensor value to the Serial Monitor

  Serial.print("Moisture Level: ");


  if (sensorValue < threshold) {

    // If moisture level is below threshold, activate the pump

    digitalWrite(motorPin, HIGH);

    Serial.println("Pump ON");

  } else {

    // If moisture level is above threshold, turn off the pump

    digitalWrite(motorPin, LOW);

    Serial.println("Pump OFF");


  delay(2000); // Wait for 2 seconds before next reading

  • This code reads the soil moisture level and turns on the water pump if the soil is too dry (i.e., the sensor value is below the threshold). The pump will stay on until the moisture level increases above the threshold.

Step 5: Simulating the Circuit

  1. Start Simulation: Click on the "Start Simulation" button to see your automatic watering system in action. As the soil moisture level drops below the threshold, the pump (DC motor) will turn on, simulating the watering process.

  2. Adjusting the Threshold: You can adjust the threshold value in the code to change when the pump activates. Lowering the threshold will make the system more sensitive to dry soil, while increasing it will make the system less sensitive.

Troubleshooting Tips

  • Pump Not Turning On? Check the transistor connections, ensuring the base is connected to the correct Arduino pin and that the motor is connected properly.

  • Incorrect Sensor Readings? Verify the connections to the soil moisture sensor and ensure that the analog pin is correctly reading the sensor’s output.

  • Simulation Issues? Make sure all components are placed correctly in TinkerCAD and that there are no loose or incorrect connections.


Congratulations! You’ve successfully built an automatic watering system using TinkerCAD. This project introduces you to essential concepts in automation, such as sensor integration, using transistors as switches, and controlling outputs based on input conditions. Understanding these concepts is crucial for creating more advanced systems, such as smart home devices and automated gardening systems.

TinkerCAD’s user-friendly interface allows you to experiment with different components and configurations, making it a valuable tool for both learning and prototyping.

Keep exploring, experimenting, and innovating as you continue your journey in electronics.

Happy tinkering!

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