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Writer's pictureSanskruti Ashtikar

Creating a Gas Sensor Circuit Using TinkerCAD

Updated: Nov 23

Gas sensors are vital for detecting harmful gases in the environment, ensuring safety in various applications, such as industrial sites, homes, and laboratories. In this article, we will walk you through designing and simulating a gas sensor circuit using TinkerCAD, a powerful online platform for 3D design, electronics simulation, and coding.

Materials Needed:

  • Arduino Uno

  • MQ-2 Gas Sensor Module

  • 16x2 LCD Display

  • 10k Ohm Potentiometer

  • Breadboard

  • Jumper Wires

  • Resistors (220 Ohm for LCD backlight)

  • Power Supply (e.g., 9V battery)

Step 1: Understanding the Gas Sensor Circuit

The MQ-2 gas sensor is capable of detecting various gases, including LPG, methane, and smoke. It outputs an analog signal that varies with the concentration of the detected gas. In this project, the Arduino Uno will read the signal from the gas sensor, process it, and display the gas concentration on an LCD.

Step 2: Setting Up the Components in TinkerCAD

  1. Arduino Uno: Place the Arduino Uno on the TinkerCAD workspace. This will be the brain of your gas sensor circuit, processing the data from the gas sensor and displaying it on the LCD.

  2. MQ-2 Gas Sensor: Place the MQ-2 gas sensor on the breadboard. The sensor has four pins: VCC, GND, AO (Analog Output), and DO (Digital Output).

    • Connect VCC to the 5V pin on the Arduino.

    • Connect GND to the GND pin on the Arduino.

    • Connect AO to the analog pin A0 on the Arduino. (We'll use the analog output for more precise readings.)

  3. 16x2 LCD Display: Place the LCD on the breadboard. The LCD has 16 pins, but we'll only connect the essential ones:

    • Connect VSS to GND and VDD to 5V.

    • Connect the VO pin to the middle terminal of the 10k ohm potentiometer, with the other two terminals connected to 5V and GND. This controls the contrast.

    • Connect RS (Register Select) to digital pin 7 on the Arduino.

    • Connect RW (Read/Write) to GND (for writing mode).

    • Connect E (Enable) to digital pin 8 on the Arduino.

    • Connect D4, D5, D6, and D7 (data pins) to digital pins 9, 10, 11, and 12 on the Arduino, respectively.

    • Connect the A (Anode) pin through a 220-ohm resistor to 5V and the K (Cathode) pin to GND for the backlight.

Step 3: Writing the Arduino Code

Now that the circuit is set up, we need to write the code that will read the gas sensor's output and display the concentration on the LCD.

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
// Initialize the library with the numbers of the interface pins
LiquidCrystal lcd(7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12);
int gasSensorPin = A0; // Analog pin connected to the gas sensor
int gasValue = 0; // Variable to store the gas sensor value
void setup() {
  lcd.begin(16, 2); // Set up the LCD's number of columns and rows
  lcd.print("Gas Level:"); // Print a message to the LCD
void loop() {
  gasValue = analogRead(gasSensorPin); // Read the analog value from the gas sensor
  float voltage = gasValue * (5.0 / 1023.0); // Convert the analog reading to voltage
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1); // Set the cursor to the second row
  lcd.print("Value: ");
  lcd.print(gasValue); // Print the gas sensor value
  lcd.print("    "); // Clear any previous characters
  lcd.setCursor(10, 1); // Set the cursor to the voltage display position
  lcd.print("V: ");
  lcd.print(voltage); // Print the voltage
  lcd.print("  "); // Clear any previous characters
  delay(500); // Wait for half a second before the next reading

Step 4: Simulating the Circuit in TinkerCAD

  1. Start the Simulation: Click the "Start Simulation" button. The LCD should display "Gas Level:" on the first row and the gas sensor values on the second row.

  2. Adjust the Gas Sensor: In TinkerCAD, you can simulate gas concentration changes by adjusting the potentiometer connected to the gas sensor. Observe how the displayed values change accordingly.

  3. Troubleshooting: If the LCD does not display correctly, double-check your connections, particularly the data pins and the contrast adjustment potentiometer. Ensure the Arduino code is properly uploaded.

Step 5: Practical Application and Testing

After successfully simulating the circuit in TinkerCAD, you can build the physical circuit if you have the components.

  1. Assemble the Components: Transfer the design from TinkerCAD to a real breadboard. Secure the components as per the connections outlined.

  2. Upload the Code: Connect the Arduino to your computer and upload the code.

  3. Test the Circuit: Place the circuit in an environment with varying gas concentrations and observe the readings on the LCD. You can use a lighter (without igniting it) to release some gas near the sensor and watch the values change.


Congratulations! You have successfully designed, simulated, and programmed a gas sensor circuit using TinkerCAD. This project is a great introduction to using sensors for environmental monitoring and safety applications.

Gas sensors can be further integrated into more complex systems for enhanced functionality, such as triggering alarms, controlling ventilation systems, or logging data for analysis. TinkerCAD offers a fantastic platform for prototyping and testing your designs before moving to physical implementation.

Keep exploring and experimenting with different sensors and components to expand your knowledge and skills in electronics and embedded systems. Happy tinkering!

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