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Building a Digital Thermometer with TinkerCAD and Arduino

Writer's picture: Sanskruti AshtikarSanskruti Ashtikar

Updated: Nov 23, 2024


A Digital Thermometer is a practical project that demonstrates how to measure and display temperature using electronic components. This project is an excellent introduction to interfacing sensors with microcontrollers and displaying data on an LCD. In this tutorial, we will build a Digital Thermometer using an Arduino, a temperature sensor (LM35), and an LCD display. You will learn how to read temperature data and display it digitally.

Materials Needed

For this project, you will need:

  • Arduino Uno

  • Breadboard

  • LM35 Temperature Sensor

  • 16x2 LCD Display (with I2C module for simplicity)

  • Jumper Wires

  • Power Source (e.g., USB cable for Arduino)

Step 1: Setting Up the Components

  1. Arduino and Breadboard: Open TinkerCAD and create a new circuit project. Drag and drop an Arduino Uno and a breadboard onto the workspace.

  2. LM35 Temperature Sensor: This analog sensor provides a voltage output that is proportional to the temperature.

    • VCC: Connect to the 5V pin on the Arduino.

    • GND: Connect to GND on the Arduino.

    • OUT: Connect to an analog pin on the Arduino (e.g., A0).

  3. 16x2 LCD Display (with I2C module): This LCD will display the temperature readings.

    • VCC: Connect to the 5V pin on the Arduino.

    • GND: Connect to GND on the Arduino.

    • SDA: Connect to the SDA pin on the Arduino (A4 on most boards).

    • SCL: Connect to the SCL pin on the Arduino (A5 on most boards).

Step 2: Wiring Diagram

Ensure your wiring follows these connections:

  • LM35 Temperature Sensor:

    • VCC → 5V on Arduino

    • GND → GND on Arduino

    • OUT → Analog Pin A0 on Arduino

  • 16x2 LCD Display (with I2C module):

    • VCC → 5V on Arduino

    • GND → GND on Arduino

    • SDA → SDA (A4 on Arduino)

    • SCL → SCL (A5 on Arduino)

Step 3: Writing the Code

With the components connected, let's write the Arduino code to read the temperature from the LM35 sensor and display it on the LCD.

#include <Wire.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
const int tempPin = A0; // Pin connected to the LM35 sensor
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2); // Initialize the LCD with I2C address 0x27
void setup() {
  lcd.begin(); // Initialize the LCD
  lcd.backlight(); // Turn on the backlight
  Serial.begin(9600); // Initialize serial communication for debugging
void loop() {
  int sensorValue = analogRead(tempPin); // Read the analog value from the sensor
  // Convert the analog reading (0-1023) to voltage (0-5V)
  float voltage = sensorValue * (5.0 / 1023.0);
  // Convert the voltage to temperature in Celsius
  float temperature = voltage * 100.0;

  // Display the temperature on the LCD
  lcd.clear(); // Clear the display
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0); // Set cursor to the top left corner
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1); // Set cursor to the second line
  lcd.print(" C");
  // Debugging information
  Serial.print("Temperature: ");
  Serial.println(" C");
  delay(1000); // Update every second

Step 4: Simulating the Circuit

  1. After entering the code, click the "Start Simulation" button in TinkerCAD.

  2. Observe the LCD display showing the temperature in Celsius. Adjust the simulated temperature by changing the input voltage to the LM35 sensor to see how the readings update.

  3. Monitor the Serial Monitor for real-time temperature data and debugging information.

Step 5: Understanding the Code

  • Reading Sensor Values: The analogRead() function reads the voltage from the LM35 sensor.

  • Converting Voltage to Temperature: The voltage is converted to a temperature value using the sensor's specifications (10mV per degree Celsius for LM35).

  • Displaying Data on LCD: The lcd.print() function displays the temperature value on the LCD.

  • Serial Debugging: The Serial.print() and Serial.println() functions provide temperature readings on the Serial Monitor for verification.

Step 6: Enhancing the System

You can enhance this Digital Thermometer project with additional features:

  • Temperature Alerts: Add functionality to alert when the temperature exceeds a certain threshold.

  • Data Logging: Record temperature data over time and log it to a file or display it in a graphical format.

  • Temperature Units: Include the option to switch between Celsius and Fahrenheit.
